Sunday 15 February 2009

a long time away

i seem to find so many things to do online i keep forgetting to come back here.

Josh is doing really well and yesterday i got round to uploading all his kitten pictures onto flickr hopefully that link works. there's nearly 100 pictures on there of him from kittenhood to the present day

josh as a baby
this is one of my favourite pictures of him as a baby, he loved that toy bird

orangey joshy
this one i just took the other day - still such a handsome chap

we recently had a ton of snow which is really rare round here. Josh's partner in crime Perkins loved it - i couldn't get him to stay indoors

perkins trying to catch a snowball

josh meanwhile didn't know what to make of the snow, so made it just outside the back door but for a cat who a bit of a scardy cat i think he did quite well!

the furthest josh made it

hopefully i will now update more often and have the time to look round your blogs too!


Parker said...

Hi Joshie! You look so handsome all grown up!

Motor Home Cats said...

That picture of Josh as a baby is so cute. He doesn't look like he is enjoying the snow very much tho.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade