Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Hoover hiding

Josh has had a quiet week so far, the biscuit challenge is still going well, the only downside is he's now always hanging round in the hallway hoping you might have some biscuits!

He had a massive battle on the bedroom floor with Perkins this morning, they've been doing this a lot lately. Josh is quite a heavy cat and always seems to pin Perkins to the floor, forcing him to be washed by Josh, which understandably he gets a bit fed up with.

Josh has spent some time pottering round the garden and lost the tag off his collar, he's also been sitting with me whilst I make catnip mice for the charity we got him from. Although I will never agree with the vets decision to have him put to sleep, if it were not for a lady there putting her foot down then he wouldn't have been saved. I was talking to the lady recently and she's got 70 kittens at the moment looking for new homes. So I've bulk bought about 50 cat toys off ebay and now just handmaking some mice too, done about 15-20 so far.

Josh is currently hiding as my boyfriend is hoovering the house and there is nothing Josh hates more than the hoover!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, Josh, thanks for stopping by. We just read your sidebar about you. You have quite a history and you're a handsome guy. We're real glad to meet you.

Anonymous said...

*kisses* for Joshies cute little nosey, one of my all time fave kittypixers..

And we are all so glad that you decided to take him home, the world would be a far less cuter place without Joshie in it!

Carolina Cats said...

Hi Joshie! Don't efur lissen to them vetty beans, they don't kno how tuff us cats reely are. Congratulashuns on finding a good bean and a grate frend in Perkins.

Come by and visit us sometime.

FInny Buddy & Jasmine

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Josh, yoor furry is Perkins. We don't blame yoo fur hiding, none of us like da vacuum either. Ours is one of dem dat haf da motor and tank in da basement and just plugs into a hole in da wall but it makes loud hissy noyzes so we run from it. We'z glad yoo gots a good furever home.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Josh! Nice to meet you. jan introduced you on the cat blogosphere news page

i hate the sucky machine too. it is to loud and sucks up all my pretty furs. i work hard getting them on the carpet just right.

you have quite a story! i'm glad you have such a loveing forever home.

you should visit Moki,
he is a special needs kitty too with a nero- nooro - nuerological problem he is being treated for too.

i hope you'll come visit me! i love making new friends!

Artsy Catsy said...

Josh & Perkins, it's just wonderful to meet you! And Joshie, you are an inspiration to us all. We're looking forward to learning more about you and being friends!

CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
& his Artsy Catsy staff

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Josh, you look like a wonderful kitty! We are glad to meet you!

Junior and Orion

Tesla and Hansel said...

wow why did they want to put the poor guy down? Good luck to you in your toy making excursion!

Motor Home Cats said...

Hi Josh, it's nice to meet you. We hate the vacuum too. We have a purple one called Dyson and it sucks up all our pretty furs.

You sound like you found a great bean to live with. That is the best thing in life isn't it.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Joshie and Perkins! We are very pleased to meet you! We are so glad you got a wonderful forever home. And those silly bean vets don't know nothing! Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere!
Your FL furiends,

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Hi Josh,

I can't wait to read more about you! Did all the vets do those mean nasty tests like they did on me (MRI and CSF Tap?) How did they determine you had water on the brain?

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Hi Joshie! So glad to meet you dear ginger boy! I am happy you proved them all wrong and are safe and happy with your people. I am not afraid of the Hoover at all or any loud machines. Did I see Miss Chase on your sidebar? She is one cool cat and so is Moki...looks like you will be happy blogging...WELCOME!!!
Love from Miss Peach